The Kansas City Public Library produces a regular lineup of free public events featuring bestselling authors, well-known speakers, and other presenters, with topics ranging from local history to current events and social issues. The Library's signature event series draws large audiences from across the KC metro, and the monthly events mailer reaches over 20,000 subscribers. The mailer has been a longstanding marketing piece; I was responsible for layout and production, working with staff writers to insert event description and details, overseeing the creation or completion of graphics with other designers on the team, working with our print vendor on production and mailing, and managing distribution and promotion throughout the Library's 10 locations.
Cover designs regularly reflected one of the month's key programs; as part of the calendar process I would either design wholly original art or determine how to rework the cover of a visiting author's book for the mailer specs. The gallery below shows the variety of programs and topics of Library presentations, and the diverse array of designs needed to draw audience attention.
For many years the piece was a large multi-page foldout with lengthy descriptions of each event; while the Library's in-person activities were suspended during the 2020-2021 period of the COVID-19 pandemic, I took the opportunity to redesign the calendar, moving from the larger, more unwieldy layout to a more compact postcard or single-fold card, with shorter teaser copy for each program and a simplified system of noting event dates, times, and locations. This solution reduced layout and production time, made it easier to scan the month's listings, and provided a more convenient takeaway marketing piece.